Concurrent and Parallel Programming
Academic Year 2014/2015
- Exam of 13/04/2016: Results
Lecture Notes
- Introduction
- Advanced Computer Architectures
- Speed-up performance models
- Parallel Architectures Overview
- Parallel Architectures Interconnections
- Current Trends
- Parallel Programming
- Correctness Conditions
- Progress Conditions
- Progress Taxonomy
- Concurrent Data Structures
- Distributed Programming
- Introduction to MPI
- Event-Driven Programming and High Performance Simulation
- Parallel Discrete Event Simulation
- Synchronization Protocols
- The ROme OpTimistic Simulator (ROOT-Sim) case study
- Software Transactional Memory
- Introduction to Software Transactional Memory
- Overview on current implementations: TL2, TinySTM, JVSTM, …
- Usage Tutorials