A Model-Driven Platform for Software Applications on Heterogeneous Computing Environments

Simone Bauco, Guglielmo De Angelis, Romolo Marotta, and Alessandro Pellegrini

Published in: 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture, ICSA 2025 - Companion

The rise of heterogeneous computing environments has significantly advanced the capabilities of high-performance concurrent applications. However, the design of applications for these environments requires ICT application experts to have a deep understanding of hardware aspects and often their related optimisation strategies. As a consequence, the effort in the development phase is strongly influenced by intricate technical hindrances rather than focusing on domain-specific issues. This work presents Domain, a software platform that supports ICT experts in taming the complexity of modern hardware environments. Specifically, Domain identifies a comprehensive socio-technical environment where classes of stakeholders cooperate in order to support the development of software applications for heterogeneous computing environments. Also, Domain proposes families of software assets that promote the adoption of domain-specific notations, their automatic refinement up to the generation of hardware-specific binaries, and the optimised execution of such binaries on the target hardware resources. The proposed software platform has been applied to a first case study in the domain of speculative stream processing on the Taxi and Limousine Commission Trip data records from the New York City area.

BibTeX Entry:

author = {Bauco, Simone and De Angelis, Guglielmo and Marotta, Romolo and Pellegrini, Alessandro},
title = {A Model-Driven Platform for Software Applications on Heterogeneous Computing Environments},
booktitle = {22nd {IEEE} International Conference on Software Architecture, {ICSA} 2025 - Companion},
publisher = {IEEE},
year = {2025},
month = mar,
note = {To appear}