Model-based Proactive Read-validation in Transaction Processing Systems

Simone Economo, Emiliano Silvestri, Pierangelo Di Sanzo, Alessandro Pellegrini, and Francesco Quaglia

Published in: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems
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Concurrency control protocols based on read-validation schemes allow transactions which are doomed to abort to still run until a subsequent validation check reveals them as invalid. These late aborts do not favor the reduction of wasted computation and can penalize performance. To counteract this problem, we present an analytical model that predicts the abort probability of transactions handled via read-validation schemes. Our goal is to determine what are the suited points—along a transaction lifetime—to carry out a validation check. This may lead to early aborting doomed transactions, thus saving CPU time. We show how to exploit the abort probability predictions returned by the model in combination with a threshold-based scheme to trigger read-validations. We also show how this approach can definitely improve performance—leading up to 14% better turnaround—as demonstrated by some experiments carried out with a port of the TPC-C benchmark to Software Transactional Memory

BibTeX Entry:

author = {Economo, Simone and Silvestri, Emiliano and Di Sanzo, Pierangelo and Pellegrini, Alessandro and Quaglia, Francesco},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems},
title = {Model-based Proactive Read-validation in Transaction Processing Systems},
year = {2018},
month = dec,
pages = {481--488},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
series = {ICPADS},
doi = {10.1109/PADSW.2018.8644605},
location = {Singapore}