Replication of Computational Results Report for “Green Simulation with Database Monte Carlo”

Alessandro Pellegrini

Published in: ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 2020
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This article presents the reproducibility results associated with the article “Green Simulation with Database Monte Carlo” by Mingbin Feng and
Jeremy Staum. The authors have uploaded their artifact to Zenodo, which ensures a long-term retention of the artifact. The artifact, which is based on a set of R scripts, allows to easily regenerate data for the figures and the tables, it completes successfully, and allows to reproduce all the experimental results in the article.
The article can thus receive the Artifacts Available, the Artifacts Evaluated—Functional, and the Results Reproduced badges.

BibTeX Entry:

author = {Pellegrini, Alessandro},
title = {Replication of Computational Results Report for “Green Simulation with Database Monte Carlo”},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation},
year = {2020},
issn = {1049-3301},
month = dec,
volume = {31},
number = {1},
publisher = {ACM},
series = {TOMACS},
doi = {10.1145/3426823}