Proactive Workload Management in Cloud Environments in the Presence of Software Aging

Luca Forte

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This work is structured as follows. In Chapter 2 it will be discussed related work. Chapter 3 presents the problems related to the software aging. Chapter 4 discusses the ML-based frameworks used in this works. The design and the umplementation choices of this framework are discussed Chapter 5. Chapter 6 shows the experimental evaluation and the Chapter 7 draws the conclusions.

BibTeX Entry:

author = {Forte, Luca},
school = {Sapienza, University of Rome},
title = {Proactive Workload Management in Cloud Environments in the Presence of Software Aging},
year = {2015},
type = {mathesis},
comment = {Supervisor: B. Ciciani - Co-Supervisors: P. Di Sanzo, A. Pellegrini}